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Quickchange Fleet Services

As a pioneer in the quick lube industry in Northeast Ohio, QuickChange Premier Lube and Maintenance understands the importance of keeping your fleet up and running and on the road. The QUICKCHANGE Fleet Express care program is a customized maintenance programs designed to offer you the control and convenience you need to keep your fleet up and running whether you have 3 or 3000 vehicles.

QUICKCHANGE FLEET EXPRESS CARE program services most National Fleet management programs such as ARI, PHH, GE Capital, Enterprise, Map/Wheels, Voyager and Wright Express.


The QUICKCHANGE FLEET EXPRESS CARE PROGRAM combines the QUICKCHANGE reputation, the value of Valvoline Premium oils; the experience of our QuickChange/Valvoline trained and certified employees, PLUS customized fleet controls to deliver professional fleet management solutions.

Service Variety

At QUICKCHANGE Premier Lube & Maintenance there’s more to fleet maintenance than just an oil change. We can perform most manufactures schedule fluid maintenance in about the same time it takes for an oil change.

Purchase Controls

Customized maintenance plans designed for your fleets needs. You maintain control of your fleet maintenance and expenses by specifying service restrictions and purchase limits.

Consolidated Billing

You receive one monthly invoice summarizing your fleets the services performed on your fleet.


Verification of vehicle and driver data prior to service helps to ensure secure transactions and reduce fraudulent expenditures.

Dedicated Account Management

Our office staff will manage your account to provide the best ongoing business support.

Multiple Payment Options

As a fleet customer you will have the flexibility to pay for your fleet maintenance in a variety of ways. You choose the payment method that makes sense for your company; national billing, local billing, cash, check or credit card.

More Information

Get more information or start your QuickChange Fleet Express Care account now.  START NOW